Fayetteville Traverse Trail

Fayetteville Traverse

Fayetteville Traverse

Details of Project:
•    City:  Fayetteville
•    Number of Miles: 20 (when completed), approximately 10 miles have been completed to date. 
•    Type of Trail:  single-track, soft surface.
•    Trailblazer role:  Design and seek corridor approval and perform cost estimates for grant request.  
•    Designer(s):  Trailblazers
•    Permitting Agencies:  City of Fayetteville 
•    Contractor(s):  Rogue Trail Building, Rock Solid
•    Easement & Property Acquisition:  Yes
•    Construction Administration:  Yes
•    Date of Build:  October 2018- On-going
•    Funding Partner(s):  WPPG and WFF


About this Project

•    Why did we do this project:  To create an iconic loop around Fayetteville that serves the community for an epic experience for long-distance pursuits.  
•    Interesting features:  Unique in the fact that it passes through a myriad of landscapes and the trail experience reflects this. 
•    Challenges:  low lying areas, back alleys and the reluctance from residents to have new trail added has been challenging.